Depression self-assessment

Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?

Please see your results below

There are many symptoms of depression, including low mood, feelings of hopelessness, low self-esteem, lack of energy and problems with sleep. The more symptoms someone has, the more likely they are to be depressed.

This test will help you to assess whether you could be suffering from depression. Answer the questions based on how you’ve been feeling during the last two weeks.

Your Results
out of 27
You might be feeling slightly sad, stressed, disappointed, vulnerable or frustrated and these feelings are most likely temporary. It is normal to feel like this now and again and it is not a reason for concern. Take care of yourself by eating well and sleeping at least 7 hours a night; dedicate time for your loved ones and favourite activities to bring balance back into your life.
Mild depression
You might be feeling sad following a stressful event or temporary personal, relationship or work difficulties. It is not a reason for concern since you are able to contain your feelings. During this time it is important to take care of yourself by increasing relaxing and pleasurable activities, self motivation and reaching out for social support via friends, family or peers.
Moderate depression
It may be recommended to seek counselling or psychotherapy if you feel that your symptoms persist. Some of the thinking bias like Black & White thinking or discounting positives may be affecting your mood. Please refer to the information on vicious cycles of depression. Alternatively, reading a self-help book on depression or watching informative videos is highly recommended. Pharmacology is not necessary at this point.
Moderately Severe depression
It is recommended to seek psychotherapy for depression in your local area or contact GP for referral. Pharmacology may not be necessary, however, assessment of your difficulties by a professional may direct you towards the most efficient recovery.
Severe depression
It is recommended to make an appointment with your local GP who will consider whether pharmacology is necessary. Immediate CBT or psychoanalytic psychotherapy is highly recommended.

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