PTSD Self Assessment

Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problems?

Please see your results below

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is an anxiety disorder that is developed following an event that has caused significant distress or anguish. People experiencing PTSD exhibit a range of symptoms, all of which signify an inability to move on from a traumatic event. The below questions are all based on responses to stressful life experiences. Please read each one carefully and answer based on whether you have been affected any of these problems in the last month. This should not be treated as a medical diagnosis. Anyone who is concerned about PTSD should seek professional advice.

Your Results
out of 85
No symptoms of PTSD
As you have no symptoms of PTSD, there is no recommended psychological treatment.
No to minimum symptoms of PTSD
If you feel as though you are experiencing minimum symptoms of PTSD, you may want to consider therapy to help process certain feelings of trauma.
Mild symptoms of PTSD
With mild symptoms of PTSD, it is likely that the effects of trauma are affecting your day to day life. You should consider therapy, to help you understand your feelings and move on.
Moderate symptoms of PTSD
With moderate symptoms of PTSD, it is highly likely that your feelings of anxiety, anger or guilt are having a detrimental impact on your life. It is recommended that you seek professional treatment.
Severe symptoms of PTSD
With severe symptoms of PTSD, your day to day life, physical and mental wellbeing is under threat following a traumatic experience. It is strongly recommended you seek professional treatment, so you can understand, heal and move on from your trauma.

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