Category Archives: Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

What makes people creative?

What makes people creative? Creativity is a fascinating concept. It’s often thought of as being ‘innate’  – we assume that some people are creative, and some people aren’t. Therefore, scientific studies of creativity are still in their relative infancy. However, there is a growing body of work that is exploring how we understand creativity. How […]

Guide to choosing the best therapy for depression

Each person experiences depression differently. Therefore, exploring different psychological treatments can help you decide what steps to take. This week we’re providing a brief overview of the best treatments for depression. Finding the right treatment for depression A common mood disorder, depression is pervasive within society but remains personal for each and every individual. There […]

What does Psychoanalysis mean?

Directly translated from its ancient origins, the word psychoanalysis literally means ‘to unloosen the mind’, a definition that, while helpful, doesn’t go a long way to truly help understand the many theories and practices that make it such an effective form of therapy. Sometimes referred to as psychoanalytic psychotherapy, it’s effectively a way of helping […]