Category Archives: Therapy

What can I expect at couples therapy?

Systemic therapy is designed to meet the needs of couples specifically so we normally recommend this approach but we can incorporate others also.  Relationship counselling for couples, typically brings couples or partners together for joint therapy sessions but it can also be helpful to seek individual therapy prior to or alongside this kind of therapy. […]

Is anxiety a mental disorder?

In its purest, primal state, anxiety is an emotion that helps us stay alive and unharmed. It’s what our ancestors relied upon to remain wary of the predators. While we no longer have these kinds of threats in our daily lives anymore, anxiety still has practical uses. For example when we have anxiety about an […]

What makes people creative?

What makes people creative? Creativity is a fascinating concept. It’s often thought of as being ‘innate’  – we assume that some people are creative, and some people aren’t. Therefore, scientific studies of creativity are still in their relative infancy. However, there is a growing body of work that is exploring how we understand creativity. How […]

Guide to choosing the best therapy for depression

Each person experiences depression differently. Therefore, exploring different psychological treatments can help you decide what steps to take. This week we’re providing a brief overview of the best treatments for depression. Finding the right treatment for depression A common mood disorder, depression is pervasive within society but remains personal for each and every individual. There […]

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for depression: Does it work?

CBT, or cognitive behavioural therapy, is a well-established talking therapy used to help treat a number of mental health disorders. At its core, its purpose is to help the patient understand their own thought processes – recognising how these influence their emotions and behaviour. If someone can understand why they have certain thoughts then they […]

What does Psychoanalysis mean?

Directly translated from its ancient origins, the word psychoanalysis literally means ‘to unloosen the mind’, a definition that, while helpful, doesn’t go a long way to truly help understand the many theories and practices that make it such an effective form of therapy. Sometimes referred to as psychoanalytic psychotherapy, it’s effectively a way of helping […]

What Type Of Psychotherapy Do I Choose?

What Type Of Psychotherapy Do I Choose? Simple answer to a difficult question at Psytherapy “What Type of therapy do I choose?” It is not easy to understand what therapy is right for you. Number of articles and videos describing the process of therapy and conditions treated is overwhelming. This is quite confusing because pretty […]